Any person or group that wishes to present any production to any competition, would have to fill in the form that is in the file you can download clicking below.

When delivering the work, besides it you must give the FILE_ID.DIZ identification file, additionally. You can download it clicking in the link below.

You must give the form PRINTED ON PAPER. Please, don't give us the form in a file. Print it, fill in, and when giving us your production give it to us. Thank you.

Form and File_Id.diz for competitions (ZIP)
Form and File_Id.diz for competitions (LHA)

In the Wild Compo, the participants have to fill in the VHS tape's card as it was the FILE_ID.DIZ file.

It is very important to fill in those forms and to give them with your productions, because this way you save a lot of problems to the organization, and you'll make the compos, votings and the party itself more efficient, faster and easier for all.